Abstract:"Since 2010, Zimbabwe has been building up a National Case Management System (NCMS) to integrate the records of the many child care and social protection initiatives available in the country. This system is expected to automate the matching of available services to potential beneficiaries. This would be a major boon to case management at the local level, since there are many small scale, fragmented initiatives. The automation of records, however, has not yet been developed to such an extent, though a pilot started in February 2017 is expected to promote great advances in that area. Nevertheless, up to 2016 the NCMS has allowed for the training and institutional strengthening of health and social workers at the local level, empowering them to improve case management even without the support of a fully functional monitoring and information system”. (...)

Keywords:Harmonised, Zimbabwe, Harmonized, Social, Cash Transfer, Programme
Publication Date:
Type/Issue:One Pager/405

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