IPC-IG researcher travelled to Tunisia to present the results of a study to the local government and assist a TRANSFORM training

Photo: IPC-IG

The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG researcher Anaïs Vibranovski went on a mission to Tunisia, from 9 to 20 June 2022, to meet with government representatives and stakeholders to present the results of two projects in partnership with the Government of Tunisia and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). 

On 10 June 2022, Ms. Vibranovski met with Mr. Brahim Ben Idriss, Director General of the Social Protection Committee at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Ms. Najet Dkhil, Director General at the same Ministry, and with Remy Pigois, Sana Ghermazi, and Samir Bouzekri, from UNICEF Tunisia. 

During the meeting, she presented the findings of a study about the effects of a complementary cash transfer programme for children aged from 0 to 5 years old in the country, aimed at mitigating the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This programme is part of a project developed by the German Development Bank KfW and UNICEF Tunisia, called “Investing towards children’s human capital through a sustainable and inclusive social protection system”. The study used data from a peer review of the evaluation of the same project. It will soon be published as a Policy Research Brief and is one of the outcomes of the IPC-IG project Facilitation of South-South learning sessions on social protection systems between Maghreb and Latin American countries

Ms. Vibranovski also assisted a workshop provided to trainers of the TRANSFORM programme, acting as a resource person. TRANSFORM is an innovative learning package on the administration of national social protection floors in Africa. The event happened from 13 to 21 June 2022 and targeted district-level social workers from Tunisia. She also took this opportunity to obtain inputs to prepare a report for UNICEF with recommendations for the next district-level TRANSFORM training of trainers in the country.