Support to the publication of an issue of the Policy in Focus magazine: “Women at work: addressing the gap"

Data de início:


This project aimed at supporting the publication of a Policy in Focus magazine, co-edited by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the IPC-IG, dealing with women’s participation in the labour market and especially focusing on the Latin American region. An investigation of recent trends, the determinants and constraints of female labour force participation, as well as different policies implemented to address these concerns, are presented in this issue’s articles.


Fundación Espacio Público , International Development Research Centre (IDRC)


Latin America and the Caribbean

Brazil , Argentina , Peru , Bolivia , Chile , Paraguay , Uruguay , Venezuela , Panama , Colombia , Belize , Costa Rica , Antigua & Deps , Dominica , Dominican Republic , Belize , Guatemala , Ecuador , El Salvador , Guyana , Haiti , Honduras , Jamaica , Nicaragua , Suriname , Mexico

Pilar Principal

Knowledge Production

Área temática

Inclusive Growth

Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável

SDG 5 - Gender Equality , SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

Resultados do Projeto

Copyediting, translation, printing, and dissemination of a Policy In Focus magazine

This special issue, called “Women at work: addressing the gap", was launched in March 2018, to celebrate International Women’s Day. A Spanish translation was also released. Titled Las mujeres en el trabajo: abordar las desigualdades, it was launched during the forum “Work and Economic Empowerment of Women: How do we Advance?”, organised by Espacio Publico and IDRC, in the capital of Chile, Santiago, on 4 October.

See it below.


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