International Conference on

The Many Dimensions of Poverty

Brasilia, 29-31 August 2005

 International Poverty Centre

United Nations Development Programme


IPEA (Institute for Applied Economic Research - Government of Brazil)
DFID- Brazil (Department for International Development – Government of the United Kingdom)
BID (Inter-American Development Bank)


« Policy debates have indeed been distorted by overemphasis on income poverty and income inequality, to the neglect of deprivation that relates to other variables, such as unemployment, ill health, lack of education, and social exclusion »

From A. Sen, Development and Freedom, Oxford University Press, 1999.


As the world mobilises in search for the fastest and lasting ways to reduce poverty, it is most appropriate to re-visit the state of our understanding of poverty. This conference gathered more than 50 well-known specialists in poverty and inequality across most disciplines as well as policy practitioners and development stakeholders to discuss analytical, theoretical and empirical issues. 

During three days, the conference will had more than 10 sequential sessions discussing:

-          the relevant dimensions of poverty

-          the various measurement perspectives of a multidimensional approach to poverty

-          the different ways of quantifying multidimensional poverty

-          the empirical case studies of multidimensional poverty

-          the policy implications of a multidimensional poverty analysis

-          the relevance of a multidimensional approach to poverty in national consensus building.